Amazing Kids

A bunch of PFP Kids building a Neuro Diverse Metaverse
to educate and share information about the Autistic Spectrum.

The Kids


The Project

We don't want to make promises about utility but we can assure you we are going to add some really soon. For starters with want to create a space on the metaverse where people can meet to learn and educate about the Autistic Spectrum with psychologists, neurologists, and other specialists.

What we call our "founding team" is @jfscaramazza (the "artist") a Venezuelan journalist, very early stage "illustrator", NFTs and Web3 enthusiast, dreamer, and proud father of a 4 yeard old boy in the spectrum. @undisclosedco our IRL Wearable parnter and Discord provider, also parent project.

Claim The Roadmap

Free Mint!
August 28th
IP Reveal
Wen Mint Out
Defenders of the Land of Dreams eBook and Audiobook Drop
Wen Mint Out
Undisclosed Collectors Wearables Raffle
ETH 0.5 sold
IRL Merch Drop
ETH 1 sold
The Amazing Microverse
Q4 2022
Amazing Kids 3D